A Very Vardo Adventure – part 3

Mount and Snow Vardo (father to the known and loved Vardo brothers of Murkland) continues his adventures rescuing lost children along the way apparently. Part 3 takes him and his first ward, Doree, through what was once known as Willow Creek, but is now something very different.

44 A part 3 title44 empty45 druid and dog46 alfie the druid47 calamity48 paranoid guy49 he was mean50 rugged man51 rugged man crying52 more children53 doree leads54 fast friends55 Murky hugs56 babysitting druid57 tree57 watchers

I need to properly credit the creators of the sims and the lots and poses used, this is coming soon. I promise because I want you all to know who these amazing creators are.


part 4 is HERE

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